Dr. Bernadette Kua
General Practitioner

Dr. Kua is a medical practitioner with 18 years’ experience. She completed medical school at the University of New South Wales in 2002 and gained experience working in hospitals in Sydney and Newcastle. She worked in radiation oncology before setting her sights on general practice, completing the Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practice (FRACGP) in 2011. She now works in the Sydney suburb of Lindfield. Dr. Kua has several areas of interest in general practice.

Women’s Health & Paediatrics

From pregnancy planning, including fertility assessment and genetic screening, through to pregnancy care and contraceptive advice, pap smears and postmenopausal care, Dr. Kua is experienced in providing these services. She is an affiliated shared care GP with the Royal North Shore Hospital, Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and St George Hospital. She completed her Diploma in Child Health at the University of Sydney and is able to provide continuing care post delivery to babies and children. Additionally, she is trained to insert the contraceptive device Implanon and intrauterine devices Kyleena, Mirena and copper IUDs.

Medical Acupuncture

Dr. Kua completed her acupuncture training with the Australian Medical Acupuncture College in 2015. She believes in using evidence based medical acupuncture as another treatment modality for the management of a limited number of conditions.


Spider veins and varicose veins can be major sources of anxiety and discomfort. While in the past treatment required significant surgical intervention, today office based treatment options are available including injection sclerotherapy and endovenous ablation. Dr. Kua is able to consult for any venous pathology and is able to perform sclerotherapy for spider veins of the lower limbs. She has completed the Certificate of Sclerotherapy with the Australian College of Phlebology.


Dr. Kua completed a Certificate of Dermoscopy at the Skin Cancer College Australasia in 2017 and is qualified to do skin checks.